Guatemala 2017 Archive
Thursday, July 13th
Today was great day, we woke up really early to head out to the cafeteria where we had our breakfast, came back to our dorm where we prepared pb&j sandwiches…
ReadGuatemala Wednesday 2017
We had a very good day today. We spent our 3rd and last day in class. The children were excited to see us and we enjoyed our time with them.…
ReadIvy Creek Guatemala Mission Tuesday 7-11-2017
The ICBC team had breakfast this morning here at SETECA cafeteria. Pat & I met Herbert from Rome, Ga. he was telling us that he was born in Guatemala City and…
ReadMonday in Guatemala
We were able to see God in so many ways as we went through our second full day in Guatemala City. We started off with a great breakfast at SETECA…
ReadSunday in Guatemala
Ivy Creek and others, We ask for your prayers as we continue on our journey in Guatemala. This morning we went to a church in “Zone 21”, a place known…