Friday, July 14th
Today was our last full day in Guatemala. As the group shared the last breakfast together, we went over our best highs, overall we all shared a common belief that we have been so blessed on this trip and wish to stay longer.
Later in the day we headed out to San Juan, Sacatepequez where we had the opportunity to visit the malnutrition center. We got to spent time with the kids and get to know a little about their condition.This filled our hearts with sadness, but at the same time with joy of all the good work that these people are willing to do and help. We shared the Gospel and our testimonies as well as Mr. Bill McCann talked and prayed with the mothers as they came to visit their kids. Many of them opened their hearts and shared their needs in order to keep them in our prayers. The little time we got to share was enough to fall in love with the kids which made it harder for us as well for some kids to let go.
After leaving the center with a prayer, we got to visit Antigua and spent quality time with our Mission group and interpreters since it is never too late to learn more about each other. We had lunch in Antigua and walked around the center area, where we got to visit cultural market and do some economic stimulation. We visited a coffee shop where Lily, Emma, and I met Monica and shared about our Work in Guatemala and also encouraged her to humble herself to Christ. Like Emma said “we are still on our mission”.
This last few days have been a life change for each one of us, and it has helped us to grow in our faith, and even to be encouraged by the many communities we visit, how in their economical and environmental conditions they still persevere with endurance in their faith and the joy and peace that only a living God can give us.
Just like Jerry Hughes and Mrs.Pat McCann shared through their devotionals, our mission doesn’t end here, this is just getting started. Our mission should be continuous now that we are going back home to remember that our community, friends, and family are just in the same need of the Gospel like the people from here. A “How are you?” can start a friendship which is Christ-Like and builds each other up to God’s way.
We give God thanks for this week and also thank you to our church family that has been a great support not only economically but spiritually, Thank you for your prayers. We have been so blessed.
Love in Christ,