
Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!

create memorable and impactful worship experiences
Serving Behind the Scenes
Computer operators, sound support, camera operators, video switchers, and light board operators are needed to support and record worship services and special events. On-the-job training is provided! This ministry requires 3-4 volunteers every Sunday and more for special events. Volunteers may volunteer on a rotational basis.

Answering the Call
Areas To Serve
Each service and many special events are video recorded, projected in video venues, and used for image magnification in the Sanctuary. Camera operators are needed for each service.
Running CDs, setting sound levels, checking batteries, and recording the service.
Most worship services and special events in the Sanctuary use projected words, videos, and images to enhance the event. Computer operators are behind the scenes operating the system.
Each service and special event requires a light board