Guatemala 2018 Pre-trip thoughts

As we close in on the final few weeks before you send us to Guatemala I would like to ask for your prayers that we will be spiritually prepared to serve the people of Guatemala for Christ. Also, to be prepared for Him to work in us as we grow in Him.

We have planned and prepared for six months. Where we will stay, what we will do, etc. is all mapped out. Seems easy enough right? Just follow the plan. Of all the plans we have made ultimately God’s plan is the one that will prevail. We have talked about being flexible. Why? Sometimes the plans we think God has for us are not His plans. They are ours. God will move and He will make sure His plans are followed. We are His tools. We are to be used by Him for His work. We can do nothing without Him. Pray we will be open to His desires, that we will listen to Him so His Kingdom here will be an image of His Kingdom in Heaven.

Thank you for your support. You are a part of our team. We ask that you pray for us as we prepare for God’s Mission in Guatemala.