Guatemala Wednesday 2017
We had a very good day today. We spent our 3rd and last day in class. The children were excited to see us and we enjoyed our time with them. Lily, Emma, & Jaelene hated to leave their new friends.
Pastor Saul’s wife is Dr. Lila. She took us on a tour of the clinic next door to the school. She has a couple of nurses who are there as missionaries. The one who took us on the tour has almost completed 2 years. Her husband is here with her and is ministering in other areas of Guatemala. The clinic has an exam room physical therapy room and dental office. The second floor has a pharmacy where all the medicines are donated.. They are currently building the 3rd floor which is to be used for AWANA and other programs.
We then ate a fast peanut butter and jelly sandwich and headed to Pastor Jaime’s church in Zone 21. We helped to serve the students that he brings into the church each week to feed before they go to the afternoon session of school. There were approximately 50 children. There are 13 classrooms in the local school and he rotates bringing each of these classrooms in for this noonday meal.
While we were there, Pastor Jaime shared his heart and vision for the people of this area. He is focused and determined to do all he can to make a change-to impact the area for Christ. He is working in the public school sharing Christ with the children. This was not allowed 3 years ago, but over time the school has begun to allow him to come in to work with the children and share the gospel. He is also planning ways to be involved with the parents to impact their lives. When we left the church we went to the school and went into each classroom to share with them. The children were very receptive to us. Some saying they wanted to make a profession of faith.
Leaving there we drove to the largest mall in Central America and had dinner in the food court. We returned to Casa Grande, the name of our house at SETECA, to prepare for a long day tomorrow, discuss our day, and have our devotional.
The week is going well. We are enjoying getting to know our wonderful translators. And Walter is a blessing-getting us through the crazy traffic.
Looking forward to a great day tomorrow.