July 9, 2018: Schools Visits

One of my favorite things that Pastor Jaime does is his work with the public school system in Zone 21. Today, we were able to experience that work first hand.  Because of the work that Jaime has done at the school, we were able to go into the schools and share the plan of salvation with the children of the school. Can you imagine having that opportunity in the states? We started this morning around 9:00 and split into 3 teams and went to every classroom in the school to tell the children about the wonderful love of Jesus Christ and how much He loves them as well as give them a small snack.

Schools here are on split sessions which means that half the students come in the morning and half come in the afternoon. It is almost like there are two totally different schools. There are two different principals, different teachers and different students for each session. What all of this means is that during the course of the 6 hours we were at the school, we shared the Gospel with around 900 children! It was truly amazing to have this opportunity.

Please continue to pray with us and for us as we head to another school in Zone 21 tomorrow morning and then make our way to another town, Patzun, tomorrow afternoon.