Psalm 92:12-15

The righteous flourish like the palm tree…they still bear fruit in old age; they are ever full of sap and green to declare that the LORD is upright; He is my Rock.

Who We Are
We are a group of Mature 55+ Adults that lead the charge for Legacy 55+ spreading the life-changing good news of Jesus Christ. The Creek 55+ ministry isn’t a passive ministry. We are here to share the love of Christ to impact people for Him. We not only minister to Senior Adults, but we minister through our Senior Adults to all age groups.
What To Expect
Join us on Sundays in one of our 3 Sunday School hours and Worship with us in either 9:30 or 11:00 services. You are also invited to participate in any of our monthly luncheons or trip opportunities throughout the year. Do not worry about fitting in – there are no strangers here, only friends you have not met yet!
Senior Adults at Ivy Creek Baptist Church desire to point people to Jesus by Sharing the Gospel and through acts of kindness. We want everyone to know what a difference Jesus can make in someone’s life! We are committed to building life-long relationships by focusing on these areas:

Senior Adult Pastor
Rev. Rick Milner
Frequently Asked Questions
L eading The Way
E ncouraging all ages
G iving of ourselves, time, and to reach
A ll people for
C hrist. Showing them
Y ou matter to God and to Ivy Creek
Get Involved with Legacy 55+
Let Freedom Ring Luncheon!
Legacy 55+ Luncheon – Let Freedom Ring!
Activity: Games
Entertainment: Special music provided by special guest.
Menu: Food Provided
When: July 18th
Where: Fellowship Hall
Picnic at the Creek
Legacy 55+ Luncheon – Picnic at the Creek
Activity: Bingo
Menu: Food Provided
When: August 15th
Where: Fellowship Hall
Legacy 55+ Singers
This choir is made up of adults 55 years and older. Rehearsals will take place monthly on every third Thursday before the Legacy 55+ luncheon. Rehersals take place Monthly and this group will sing in worship services and community outreach/events. No auditions or ability to read music is required - just show up to make a joyful noise.
When: Every third Thursday of the month before the luncheon. 10:00am - 11:00am.
Where: Sanctuary Choir Loft

Legacy 55+ Ministry
In Action
See what the environment is like at Legacy 55+ Ministry!
From lunches to outreaches, they are a fun-loving, energetic group that is highly engaged and active in the church.