
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

Our Purpose
Ivy Creek Church is passionate about supporting individuals and organizations whose passion and purpose is to share the gospel of Christ by loving, serving, teaching, and developing disciples both locally and globally.
Upcoming Mission Trips
Our missions team will host a Marriage Conference, as well as a children's program. Join us as we share with our Guatemalan brothers and sisters about what it means to have a Christ-centered marriage.
Febuaray 6th - 16th
Ministry Leader
Stephen Mainer
Frequently Asked Questions
Great! We would love to have you! Please complete an application and send to [email protected].

Missions In Action
Discover the dynamic world of mission trips! From impactful service projects to cultural immersion experiences and meaningful outreach opportunities, there's always an adventure awaiting!

Join our mission team as we help our brothers and sisters in Guatemala with some construction projects. We'll also be hosting a Women's Bible Study for the ladies.
October 9th - 16th