About Baptism
We believe that baptism is an important step of obedience for every person who has placed their faith in Christ as his or her Savior (Acts 8:35-39). Therefore, we are very happy you are interested in taking this step of obedience.

Who Should Be Baptized
At Ivy Creek, we believe that the blood of Jesus Christ, shed on the cross, is the sole basis for the forgiveness of sin. Therefore, we teach that salvation is entirely of God, by grace, on the basis of the redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross. It is the merit of His shed blood, and not on the basis of human merit or works (John 1:12, Ephesians 1:7, Ephesians 2:8-10, 1 Peter 1:18-19).
If you have taken the first step of believing in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then you are ready to be baptized. When you are baptized, you are being obedient and outwardly expressing an inner reality. Baptism is your opportunity to show others that you have believed in Christ and are now walking with Him. Baptism is, therefore, representative of your new life in Christ.
What Does Baptism Symbolize
Because Jesus explicitly instructed believers to be baptized, baptism is an act of obedience. While it is not necessary for salvation, it demonstrates submission to God. At Ivy Creek Baptist Church, we baptize by immersion because we believe Scripture shows that Jesus modeled (Matthew 3:13-17) that for us as the way to publicly acknowledge our faith in Him.
Baptism is not only an act of obedience but a way of showing others that you have entered into a relationship with Jesus Christ. It symbolizes what took place in your heart at the time of salvation:
- You placed your faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior as ordained by God the Father (John 3:16).
- You shared in His death, burial, and resurrection, illustrated by going under the water (dead to your old life), then rising again (new life).
- You were symbolically washed clean, and your sins were forgiven by Jesus' death on the cross.

Preparing for Baptism
The baptism process at Ivy Creek Baptist is simple, yet meaningful. The steps below give a high-level overview. Baptisms take place during Sunday morning services.

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